Speak to type mac
Speak to type mac

Click Send.” Or to replace a phrase, say “Replace I’m almost there with I just arrived.” For example, to dictate and then send a birthday greeting in Messages, you could say “Happy Birthday. Voice Control understands contextual cues, so you can seamlessly transition between text dictation and commands. This feature requires macOS Ventura or later and isn't available in all languages.

  • To dictate character by character, say “Spelling Mode,” then speak each character.
  • Or say “Delete all” to delete everything and start over. For example, say “delete that” and Voice Control knows to delete what you just typed.

    speak to type mac speak to type mac

    To delete text, you can choose from many delete commands.Say “numeral” to format your next phrase as a number. To format text, try “Bold that” or “Capitalize that,” for example.

    speak to type mac

    To move around and select text, you can use commands like “Move up two sentences” or “Move forward one paragraph” or “Select previous word” or “Select next paragraph.”.To enter a punctuation mark, symbol, or emoji, just speak its name, such as “question mark” or “percent sign” or “happy emoji.” These may vary by language or dialect.Dictation converts your spoken words into text. When the cursor is in a document, email message, text message, or other text field, you can dictate continuously.

    Speak to type mac